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Saturday, July 18, 2009

How to MD5SUM

What is MD5SUM
The program md5sum is designed to verify data integrity using the MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) 128-bit cryptographic hash. MD5 hashes used properly can confirm both file integrity and authenticity.In terms of integrity, an MD5 hash comparison detects changes in files that would cause errors. The possibility of changes (errors) is proportional to the size of the file; the possibility of errors increase as the file becomes larger. It is a very good idea to run an MD5 hash comparison check when you have a file like an operating system install CD that has to be 100% correct.While security flaws in the MD5 algorithm have been uncovered, MD5 hashes are still useful when you trust the organization that produces them. Moving to more secure hashes like SHA-256 and Whirlpool is under discussion.

MD5SUM on Windows

Windows does not come with md5sum. You must download one from another location, preferably one that you trust.There are also graphical tools such as the one used in the walk-through provided below.
  1. Download and install winMD5Sum, a free and open source hash verification program.

  2. Right-click the file

  3. Click Send To, then winMD5Sum.

  4. Wait for winMD5Sum to load and finish the checksum (this may take a significant amount of time depending on your computer's performance).

  5. Copy the corresponding hash from Exoot Hashes into the bottom text box.

  6. Click "Compare"

  7. A message box will say "MD5 Check Sums are the same" if the hashes are equal.

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